The Jobber Blogger #117 – TNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 24/7/14

Jobber Blogger logo MikeLadies and Gentleman! Yes The Jobber Blogger has some serious Firsts to discuss!

Today, is Friday! You asked for it, probably didn’t though on second thought. But I am going away on Sunday, busy all day on Saturday, not back to Wednesday, busy on Thursday, so that means I needed to watch, and write up Impact on the same day! That’s almost like blasphemy in the realm of priorities that involve effort!


But you will be happy to know that the above statement is not the ground breaking first news. No it’s something far better, far unexpected! The Jobber Blogger has been put in his place, you might remember (doubt it) back in Issue #113, the No-One Cares guy! He is Real!


And despite what you might expect, he does indeed care, he stumbled on to the blog and has since been in touch! Yup, I’ve been told! Though in related news, he found it all hilarious, so there is that, which also means that I got away with it!

Oh how I wish the Rick Moranis look-a-like guy from New York found my blog from last week, that would tickle my mind for years!

rick moranis

Impact Wrestling Logo blueline


Yup, this was the second round up of TNA Tapings from New York, I do believe there is yet to come Destination X, then that might be it, I don’t remember.

But here is my initial thought, “meh”. Now that doesn’t mean they weren’t good shows, but they were supposed to be BIG, like push the company forward. But they were just ECW riddled, good matches, nothing really that spectacular. Hey, this episode ended well… just had some serious problems.


Bobby Roode vs. MVP – Falls Count Anywhere

So here it is, the verdict, MVP seems okay. So he was just selling it all rather well last week. I don’t however think he’s 100% by a long shot, but clearly can go, without issues.

Which at first, I thought this match actually wasn’t going to take place, the whole MVP not going to the ring, then Roode going to the back. I expected Kenny King to jump him or something to take over for MVP. But no, it went on as planned.

I don’t think this is over by any means, because although Roode got his hands on MVP, I guess the whole Eric Young dynamic will take this a little further. King and EY both got involved in the match briefly. But for the most part is was just Roode throwing MVP around but nothing get too serious.

In the end though, Roode applied one of the worst looking Sharp-Shooters I’ve ever seen (and he’s Canadian folks) and won the match.

It’s the kind of Sharpshooter that would scare Sting so much that he would leave the company and turn up at Comic-Con for a WWE Panel. Oh yeah, that happened too…



Jeff Hardy hit the ring, which confuses me.

Jeff had a really good match with Lashley last week, so this week he comes out and talks about “Willow heard the fans, but he’s not gone”, though I did like the “I will paint my face, wear a mask and Swanton the Steel Steps all to entertain you”. That was good, so credit goes there.

So what I expected was Jeff talking about his loss, maybe his sore back, but instead for no reason, he brought out Matt Hardy. We all saw it coming, we knew he was at the event, but I don’t get the connection.

Why did Jeff come back to the main event to just go into the Tag-Team Division right away, couldn’t someone else have battled Lashley last week? I don’t know.

Here’s my other problem. The Hardyz look old. Now I was a Team Extreme follower growing up, like serious follower. I wore my Hardy Boyz pendant with pride, Every Single Day for Years! YEARS!

But now seeing them together in 2014. It’s almost, odd. Everyone’s always loved Jeff, he looked awesome, he wrestled with a different style, he was reckless, people just gravitated to him. But for my money, Matt was always the better Wrestler. Now over the last few years, Jeff has become a full package, where Matt has nothing over him now, but age. And that’s a disadvantage.

Matt was always the smart one, he did his best to keep Jeff on the right tracks, always stood by him, Jeff went off the rails numerous times, but then Matt did, and Matt went off hard. I mean the whole Hotel fight with his wife recently just leaves a sour taste. I don’t know what went on, none of my business, but I find it hard to look at a childhood hero and see any kind of redeeming quality in him now. My other childhood hero being Jeff, sorted himself out, improved himself, put himself in the best position he’s ever been, and it shows. To see them side by side, I don’t think I crave another Hardy Boyz Tag-Team Run. I want to see them compete, but if I’m honest, Jeff is TNA. I want him here. Matt, I don’t mind so much. I was a big supporter of Matt coming to TNA, and he messed them around and he fell hard. He’s not really shown any sign of repairing that.

The Challenge was put out to The Wolves, and seeing both teams standing against each other. Hey, I’m a Wrestling fan, I’m looking forward to the match. But it doesn’t feel like The Wolves are going to over-come Jeff on his own, he fits in the roster. Matt is the dynamic that makes them feel old-news and that they can’t compete to the same level anymore.

Glad Matt seems to have sorted himself out, I look forward the reunion Tag Match, but I like Jeff on his own now. If I’m honest… he’s better for it.

Jeff Plane


DJ Z vs. Low Ki

I forgot quite how awesome Low Ki really is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware he’s awesome, but him just walking out on the ramp, his movements and mindset make him feel like a character. Yet it’s just him. He’s not wearing a mask, or doing any kind of gimmick, he just embodies this characteristic that is awesome to watch. Not to mention, he’s a true master of his chosen trade in Professional Wrestling.

I didn’t really write anything for this match. I know Low Ki was supposed to be at Destination X, so I do look forward to that, I don’t know if he’s actually signed with TNA, or if he’s just making an appearance, like Matt, Rhino, Devon and Dreamer.

Zema still has a weird aura to him, I like him… but I’m not sold on him. Never have been. There’s just “something” I can’t put my finger on with him, that to me makes him feel like he’s incomplete.

Either way, Low Ki won.


Bram and Magnus vs. Gunner and Anderson

Apparently Gunner and Anderson have been a Team of late, awesome that we got told things like this because they never showed it.

They were talking about the Tag Teams in TNA, when really there is two. The Wolves, The Bromans.

Bram and Magnus just doesn’t work, all eyes are on Bram, they won’t remain a Team, I’d guess they will be feuding by the end of the year. Gunner and Anderson, forget it.

That leaves The Hardy Boyz, which is a one off, and Team 3D, that have no interest. So just The Wolves and Bromans, I guess maybe the Menagerie, but not so much.

Maybe they could put Uno and Manik as a team, or something along those lines.

Bram and Gunner faced off for a good while, clearly trying to set something up between the similarities between them.

Magnus won the match by Pinning Anderson after his “Spine Shanker” move. Which sounds ridiculous. It’s like a weapon you would get with a 90’s Saturday Morning Cartoon character’s Figure. Or indeed sound like a Villain from the a 90’s Saturday Morning Cartoon…


Bram instantly carried on the attack, which in the end brought out the wild card in play is Sam Shaw. Shaw just decided to stand there and get attacked. Which is actually more interesting than him getting involved. To me, that’s trust building, when he probably has no intention of using it. Which just means Gunner and Anderson are not a team, because they are not finished.


Kurt Angle brought out Austin Aries to see if he is going to cash in the X-Division Championship for a shot at the World Championship. Which despite Aries talking in riddles, is exactly what he did.

Lashley and MVP confronted Aries, but Aries gave the usual speech about not backing down.

The main important thing to note is that Aries opened up this possible idea “Option D”. Where the X-Division Champion can cash in the Championship at any time for a shot at the World Championship. This sounds as simple as this, “we can reboot any errors quickly, or grab ratings quickly should we need it”. Plus adding to the problem of pretty much everyone being a former World Heavyweight Champion.

So now there are Two Belts in the company, which means you can get to the top by winning the easy belt to obtain. Is technically how it sounds.

The other problem, and this is the main one, is that the X-Division championship is supposed to signify the Division that TNA was built on. It’s the Championship that defines the company, it’s the championship that is prestigious and only held by those who really have been in TNA, to be in TNA. Sting hasn’t done it, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, all of the big names to come and go, had nothing to do with the X-Division. It’s the Division built by AJ Styles, let’s be honest. So now, that Championship is just a throw away, and now not only as important, but just nothing on the importance level to the World Championship.

You can just win it, ditch it for a shot, lose, win it, ditch it. No-one wants to hold that belt for the legacy it represents, they want to win it, to just get rid of it.

I don’t like that. Option C makes sense, hold the belt as long as you can, if you make it to the big PPV of the year that puts the X-Division front and centre then you can cash it in for a main event match and the new up and comers get a chance at the Gold. Good idea. Option D, bad idea.

Also shows how much TNA need another Belt.


Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim – Knockouts Championship

I still don’t think Taryn has really done enough to “earn” the position she is currently in. After her limited, but impressive run on the active roster, she doesn’t feel like Number One Contender material.

However, both Taryn and Gail did put on a good match, which they hit a lot of top rope moves that seemed to connect with the crowd in a way most Knockouts matches don’t.

But, I still can’t look at Taryn in the same light, she doesn’t seem like she’s back in-shape for this position. I’m sure she will be, but right now, she just doesn’t feel “ready”.

Least Angelina and Velvet crashed the match and beat them up, I liked that part. Also Angelina was looking great, once again, Velvet making her look better. Clearly Velvet doesn’t look bad, I don’t know what it is though, but side by side, Velvet just seems to push attention to Angelina, who takes it naturally.

They work together in that regard. Aside from Angelina will always look like the leader .. which is a good thing, least to me.


The Great Muta vs. Robbie E

Yup, the Great Muta was invited to the ring, don’t know why, as I don’t think he knows how to speak English, so a speech would have been a bit of a waste of time. Speaking of waste of time, Robbie E decided to call him names, and so a match was put on.

I too, don’t understand what is so “Great” about Muta.

Someone started Whistling, then Storm came out (that’s a good idea, but poorly executed on Storm’s theme), Storm then spat Beer in the face of Muta, and started to attack.

The rest kind of wrote itself, initially I thought Muta was going to turn on Sanada, till this segment, where it was obvious Sanada was going to turn. Good news, Sanada has re-signed with TNA, so that’s cool.

I’m not so sure on Sanada looking up to Storm as a leader, rather than he just agree with Storm’s views.

Should be interesting though?

James Storm TNA business 2


EC3, Spud and Rhino vs. Tommy Dreamer, Bully Ray and Devon – Street Fight

I honestly thought Dixie would have gone through a Table on this show. But no, they’re going to keep dragging this one out.

Funny how the Dixie, Bully Ray segment drew the lowest ratings last week. Clearly a good sign right?

Dixie pandered to the ECW name, which was annoying, though kudos for Bully getting TNA Chants going. I respect that.

Dixie said she had some plan to connect the ECW name, I don’t know what she meant.

Big news part, Gene Snitsky and Ezekiel Jackson turn up in TNA. Yup, Big Black Guy no one knows, and crazy baby killing foot fetish dude, now with an obvious dyed beard and eyebrows.

That wasn’t a good ending. Ezekiel might fit the mould, shame they both didn’t join Aces and Eights last year.

No idea where this is going, or even why they would bring them into TNA. I don’t get the connection, and it really wasn’t all that of a shocking end.

And yes, EC3, Spud and Rhino won again. So now I care a little less.


Bit of an odd show, but least Destination X is up next week, the reunited Hardy Boyz battle The Wolves for the World Tag-Team Championships, a new X-Division Champion to be crowned (I think) and Austin Aries vs. Bobby Lashley – World Heavyweight Championship.

Should be fun, till then!



TNR Cover 12 (w facebook address)

The Jobber Blogger #116 – TNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 17/7/14

Jobber Blogger logo2Yes, Finally, we hit the New York shows.

And guess what. They’re alright. Not… great? Well, it was good! Really good!

But it had one main issue, least for me. They tried too hard. It was ECW all over the place. Taz kicking off the show, in the crowd. Doing his old catch phrases. Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer, then Rhino, Devon returning. Everything was BS from that one time in Wrestling that they managed to do something “different”. But it was a select kind of different, not a main stream type of different. “Everyone’s got the same look in their eyes!”.

TNA’s been plugging this whole ECW thing since day one, trying to be the edgy company, trying to find the similarities, now TNA is going back to their “roots” with the 6-sided ring. All this does is encourage people to chant ECW. I for one get a kick out of the organic TNA Chants. This isn’t ECW. Nor should it ever be. And the only thing more depressing than trying to re-create something that wasn’t all that great in the first place, is bringing back the guys that did it, for no reason other than that. Hey look, here’s Tommy Dreamer again, after his first really unsuccessful run in TNA, and now Rhino’s back. Hey Rhino used to be a big deal in TNA, then he left, then they brought him back for their ECW Revival, and got rid of him shortly after… now he’s back again.

TNA have just announced that they are bringing “Hardcore Justice” to their next TV Tapings in New York next month. Which pretty much means, hey look… ECW’s back…. again.

TNA is on a much bigger level than ECW, look at the stars they have. The calibre of talent. That’s not to say some of the guys from ECW weren’t talented, because they were, just not the majority.

TNA has the majority, and to label themselves, this company, which by all means is far Bigger and Better than ECW ever was, it just feels cheap. Focus on what makes TNA great. Rather trying to pander to an old audience of what, 4 years prime, 15 years ago, so that audience then see’s their old favourite under-ground stars telling you why you should like TNA. Here’s an idea, just show people TNA Wrestling.

Aside from the odd occasion, it seems liking TNA is becoming less of a “cool” thing. TNA chants used to dominate like the old ECW chants did, and still do. Yet during this show, ECW and ROH chants took centre stage. So well done on promoting everything else.


On the plus side, New York did bring out some lovely creepy folks I laughed at in the Audience, which is probably my new favourite section!

Queue Creepy guy staring at the back of TAZ!

taz fan big head


Impact Wrestling LogoTNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 17/7/14


Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhino and EC3

How bad is that, I just wrote above “vs. Rhino and ECW”… ugh

So yes, ECW kicked off TNA. Which as I stated above… was great.

Bully Ray is once again sporting the Biker Cut, this time it’s a Bully Ray – 5150, which looks much less cool than the Aces and Eights one. Here’s a thing, the one person the Cut looked worse on, was Bully Ray. So that’s ironic.


Rhino and EC3 came out after, with EC3 obviously playing the doofus, which really stands out with an ECW type of spot light. I’m sure that was the point.

Bully then got everything chanting Tables, and much to my surprise TNA didn’t even attempt to plug the fact that Rick Moranis was in attendance…

rick moranis

Well the 6-Sided ring is back, and I completely forgot it was till I started watching the show. I remember that being one of the big excitement moments, and now it’s back! It almost doesn’t look or feel quite as it did, given that it has the Impact Wrestling branding rather than the old school Black and Red from TNA Impact. Either way, it’s awesome to have it back, and I actually really enjoyed seeing how everyone Wrestled in it, who I haven’t seen compete in it before.

I think I mentioned this earlier, but for this Storyline to be where it is, and to the level it is, with Dreamer and mainly Rhino just coming back recently, feels a little odd.

I suppose when you have the history in place it writes itself… again. No idea how long Rhino will be sticking around for, we all know Dreamer is working with TNA behind the scenes, so he can easily pop up every so often.

Spud being the breath of fresh air he is in this old fashioned revival caused the distraction and EC3 pinned Tommy Dreamer. How much longer will this go on for you might ask, probably quite a while… maybe not, maybe even next week will be the end of it? So one.


8-Man Gauntlet – X-Division Championship

Yes Kurt Angle is booking matches out of his ears, least no cheat sheet this week. But newly crowned X-Division Champion Austin Aries has the deck stacked. But I like the fact Aries’ character is one of “bring it on, I’m better than everybody you’ve got”. And we all know it, believe and encourage it.

He’s like the legit Eric Young.

Not that EY doesn’t mean it, only Aries backs it up with reality.

So here’s the thing that bugs me about the X-Division currently, and certainly this match. Well two things. But they go hand in hand here, almost.

Sort of.

fish manI Legitimately did NOT make that photo!

Kurt FishI did however make this one! =D so proud!

Austin Aries, Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, Manik, Crazy Steve, Tigre Uno, Sanada make the 8-Men competing for the X-Division Championship, pretty much guaranteeing he who wins will get the chance to cash it in next week for a World Title Match at Destination-X.

It’s just like last year, only if Aries lost (which would really suck) it would far, far better than having someone, like, oh I dunno, Chris Sabin, be the World Champion. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!

Chris Sabin champ sucks

Moving on.

Here’s the problem, Crazy Steve, one of the best new-comers to TNA, awesome character, he’s different, people love him. I get that, it’s awesome. I love Crazy Steve. He’s the flip side to him, he’s a goof character, we all get it, that means he can get away with some things, maybe eliminate Robbie E, or something from a match. But no, The FIRST, FIRST!!! Person to be eliminated was Tigre Uno.

tigre uno fn

Hey, I praise Uno every time he steps in the ring, no-matter who he is with, Uno stands out. Hence why Uno vs. Aries would be amazing. TNA beat this guys drum when he joined the company, but now he’s being the first guy eliminated, by the goof character. Really? Is that how you sell people on this highly talented athlete. This makes me think, if it’s budget cutting time, Uno is gone. If his contract comes up, he’s not going to re-sign. Why would he?

I hope he gets a really good outing at Destination X, and I really hope after the World Title picture cools off, Uno actually gets the chance to raise to the challenge. Say going into BFG as the X-Division Champion, even if he loses, that would be sweet.

So yes, in the end, it came down to Aries and Sanada, the last two left then becomes a Pin-Fall / Submission outcome, and your down with the over-the-top-rope stuff. So it was like a mini rematch from last week’s fantastic bout. This, was also fantastic, which on the flip side, last year was similar with Aries and Sabin.

Only Sabin just didn’t cut it higher than that.

Aries once again kicked it up a notch, and defeated Sanada, rightfully so and retained the X-Division Championship. Here’s the thing, Aries is either not going to cash it in, because he’s “too smart”. Or he will cash it in, and lose. I don’t see Bobby Lashley dropping the belt anytime soon, (spoilers for the main event) and quite honestly, I don’t want him too either.


Kenny King and MVP vs. Bobby Roode and Eric Young

EY and Roode are officially Team Canada’ing it up. And it works. Roode is awesome.

What I’m confused on, is MVP’s injury. Because either he’s really good at selling, or he really isn’t fit to compete. Which I get it, he’s not really doing any kind of Wrestling, but just being back in that environment is bad news. He might have agreed to this, he might be 100% fine and just putting it on. OR he might be injured, and if he’s injured, this match wasn’t fun to watch. I get the storyline bullet dodging, I’m cool with that. If he actually isn’t 100%, he shouldn’t be in that ring, at all. I’m perfectly fine with that and perfectly in support of that.

The New York Tapings left me very confused as to where on earth the fans were in relation to being up to date with TNA. I’m fairly sure they’ve missed almost a Month’s worth of Television and Storyline Development before this show. So nothing would have made sense. Let’s be fair, that really sucks if you’re a fan going to watch your favourite Wrestling show and having all of it spoiled for you.

In the end MVP and King used the Crutches to beat down Roode and EY, getting a DQ.

However next week, Angle booked Roode vs. MVP in a falls count anywhere match. So either MVP is actually fine, or something shady is going down.


Madison Rayne vs. Brittany – No DQ

It’s weird putting the Women on a show in front of the New York fans, the “ECW” Crowd.

But guess what, Brittany and Madison Brought It!

The Knockouts are fantastic! I love them. I want more and more of them, one Knockout match a show used to be un-common for a brief period of time. Hey, I love it when they main event. I know on average there aren’t as many “high quality” Women’s Matches on the same scale as how the Men compete. But Angelina and Gail tore it down, and Madison and Brittany hit it right back. If this keeps up, I’ll have to re-think my categories for Match of the Year.

It was hard hitting, highly entertaining and just awesome! It makes me so happy to see Brittany in this light, because it emphasises what a great asset to the Division she is, and that’s what you want to see out of new talent. Madison we all know is great, but she’s been on a different level lately too.

Madison dropped Brittany with her “Package DDT” which is an awesome move, and took the win. Also on a side note, seriously happy Madison seems to have switched her finisher, because what she did before, the “mood swing”, knee to the back fall over thing, it was a little awkward, and not always that impactful. This Package DDT… is fantastic!



Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley – World Heavyweight Championship

So I gave ECW a lot of crap, and related it back to TNA. I love nostalgia more than the next guy, I guess ECW just wasn’t my thing. Not that I didn’t watch it, own some of it. I just don’t like a lot of it. I like the talent that came from it, and I understand the paying your dues, but Bully Ray is far more synonymous with the WWE and certainly TNA.

Regardless, this was a great show, the X-Division Gauntlet was great, Brittany vs. Madison was great, but it was easily Jeff Hardy and Bobby Lashley who stole the show.

I’ve said it before, but as a life-long Jeff Hardy fan, it’s amazing to see him at this stage of his career right now, doing the best work he’s ever done. Sure he’s had crazier matches in his past, and that part of his career could certainly look like his prime. But he’s never been delivering matches to this quality since he came back to TNA a few years ago.

So I shall say it, he’s certainly not for everyone, but I do feel those that are put off by his popularity or stance as a Face, respect his abilities and respect his position with TNA.

It actually felt really good to have Jeff Hardy back.

And Lashley, is legit. And I love that.

I love how he’s just big, tough, confident and highly talented. I love that he doesn’t talk, doesn’t back down. He’s what you want in a World Champion.

Not that I’m against EY, or Jeff or especially Austin Aries being Champ, just right now, I’m enjoying the Lashley train.

Lashley train2

It seems to be around this part of the year where you tend to get most of your “Match of the year” matches popping up, usually getting more and more as you head into the big PPV’s to close out the year.

This match, Hardy vs. Lashley, goes right into the Nominations. And it’s weird how just one moment in a match makes you feel on a different level, and that rises your excitement and involvement, and it’s that which boosts how you view it, for its entirety.

Yes, I’m talking about Jeff doing a Swanton Bomb from the Top Rope onto the Steel Steps. I’ve never seen that before.

I was shocked.

I expected him to do a Leg Drop or something, I didn’t expect him to a Swanton and Lashley to Move. Obviously they planned it, but it was awesome! Totally unexpected and a perfect finish. Jeff took himself out, Lashley speared him and got the Win. Perfect.



Dixie, EC3, Rhino and Spud closed out Impact, with Dixie showing she’s not afraid of Bully by going to the ring in front of his fans to protest the whole being “put through a Table” lark. Which obviously feels like it’s being put on far too thick, that sooner or later Dixie is going to have to go through a Table.

Bully has been losing for Months, getting his ass kicked, being put through Tables, by everyone. Yet he’s still built as this force. So sooner or later something is going to have to give, and you are in a Betting mood, I’d put a safe bet on the gears shifting next week.

Bully and Tommy Dreamer came out to battle, getting really close to putting Dixie through the table. Everyone escaped but EC3, and with the return of Devon, poor EC3 went through a Table.

So I might actually throw out my early prediction of Bully being a Heel. I think he’s face, with Devon, the hall of fame, and Dixie is going to have to go through a Table.. which seems absurd.

Till then!


Dan Wilkinson

TNR Cover 12 (w facebook address)

The Jobber Blogger #115 – TNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 10/7/14

Jobber Blogger logo2

Welcome, my legions and legions, at least a few, fans! Yes, TNA IMPACT has commenced, and finally! FINALLY! We’re hitting the New York shows next week! Now you might come forward and ask me, hey, Jobber Blogger, hey, Dan, why no TNA News over on TNR? I’ll tell you why. Because everything was leaking about these awesome New York shows…. nearly 3 weeks ago! 3 WEEKS! Well two and a bit, but I like to be dramatic and exaggerate. Also who knows when you read this?

The fact is, TNA taped these shows and from the very early things I read, they were awesome! And that’s all I want to know. I don’t want any spoilers, and unfortunately the internet is riddled with them. So, I just decided to avoid reading anything related to them. Thankfully currently it’s old news, yes that’s right, next week’s show is old news. I HATE TV Tapings. It’s terrible. Live! That’s what you want. Filming two shows back to back also sucks, we know you did it, why keep everything on this crazy blurred lines “next week” “I had a week to think about it” blah blah black bollocks.

Was that too much?

too much faceSo yes, I’ve put off actually getting started with Writing this in favour of drinking large mugs of tea and watching The GameOverGreggy show. But hey, there’s only so many times you can watch an American eat ridiculous American foods right. Am I right?

I feel I’m right.

i'm right



Impact Wrestling LogoTNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 10/7/14

Guess what everybody! Kurt Angle is no longer the Director of Wrestling Operations! Which was the role MVP somehow managed to get with a title that makes no sense. But he got fired and that job went to Kurt Angle, but he’s had a name promotion, he’s now the TNA Executive Director!

Yep, these titles mean nothing.

TNA’s Executive Director of Wrestling Operations will surely be next, with his replacement being The Executive responsible for Directing the Operations of TNA’s Wrestling Based Television Programming Schedule of allotted Time Slots and Storyline Developments for all on-air Talent and Television Tapings which MAKE NO SENSE!

Good title.

Kurt Job Title

It’s very nearly the world we live in

Kurt kicked off the show with his “Cheat Sheet” once more, yay! There’s a good characteristic of the guy running the show – the one who has no idea what he’s done.

Kurt Fish

I’m sure he’s used that line in court too.

Was that too much?


So Angle announced the matches which TNA over-laid with Video, so if the start of your show was utterly boring enough having some guy yet again stand still talking about the matches you’re going to see, we instead will therefore make it that bit much more exciting by putting video over the top of him. Oh Wait? Couldn’t you have just have done that in the first place to explain the matches on the Card, WITHOUT having Kurt read from a piece of Paper?


To make matters worse, they re-dubbed Kurt’s announcement of the Knockouts Match, which just made the entire thing look so poorly made and cheap, and just, really, put a little more effort and thought into these things. It felt very “that’ll do”, we’ve put Reverb on Kurt’s obvious voice-over, so it’s close enough. Pfft.

So yes the interesting part was Kurt calling out Willow, and then calling Jeff Hardy “the most competitive Wrestler on the roster” which really, against the likes of Bobby Roode, James Storm, and clearly Austin Aries, it’s a little bit of a stretch. But Kurt wanted to reassure Jeff that he’s not MVP

Kurt not MVP

And certainly, that he isn’t Dixie Carter

Kurt Not Dixie

So with that being said, Willow can leave and Jeff doesn’t need to hide behind “violent” reasons of being “wrongly treated”. And yup, that was supposed to be the main theme of the show, it was just underplayed physically, and then with Mike Tenay’s constant ramblings on commentary about whether or not Jeff Hardy will show up just annoyed me a little.


Magnus and Bram vs. The Wolves – World Tag-Team Championships

So Magnus has shifted from the World Championship scene straight to the Tag-Team Championship scene by being teamed up with a new comer who is better than he is. So that’s something.

Not to mention a new comer who would be much, MUCH better off being teamed with the likes of Gunner or Storm (aside from the fact we’re all sick to death of Storm in new tag teams).

Here’s the problem, Magnus feels like the afterthought now. The Wolves are more impressive and entertaining in the ring. And Bram is just generally more entertaining, he’s very unhinged, he looks better, his music is better. He doesn’t wear a body warmer thinking it makes him look like a tough guy.

bodywarmersSo I’m Immature…. what of it!

Davey Richards (again) turned up the pace, getting a Sun-set flip on Bram, with Eddie doing the pin-with bridge for the Win. This led to Bram getting annoyed and attacking the Wolves straight after the bell with Magnus trying to pull him off of them. So I’d say Magnus and Bram might be getting the belts sooner or later. I don’t know if that’s good or not?


Bobby Roode (who already looks awesome) just with a few weeks back to being a baby face, but his music is cool and Roode is just awesome. Totally down with it.

I did like that Roode talked about doing anything possible to keep the one thing you want the most. Which at first thought was a little gay as I assumed he meant beating up MVP. But he was talking about his World Championship run, so that was awesome, it was Roode levelling with the fans as to why he did what he did. Which makes sense, not to mention he’s still (in my opinion) the best World Champion of recent memory, in any Company. Not sure if that holds its weight as a Face to the same degree.

Anywho, MVP came out in a wheel chair, Roode went on the attack, King got involved, EY got involved, Bobby Lashley got involved. Etc.

I like it because you sort of forget that MVP, King and Lashley was “going somewhere”. This whole – no one’s put together a stable like this before, for only a matter of weeks before they’re now irrelevant.

Which to me, brings forth the most interesting Question in this current predicament, “What is MVP’s Place in the Company now?”

He came in as the new investor, it was different, interesting, turned heel and all that crap, but it wasn’t “horrible” despite we’ve seen it I don’t know how many times before. But now, he’s just MVP. He has no power, he’s not really a Wrestler on the roster. I don’t know where he is.

I don’t see him rising up to the Main Event scene any time soon. I think that time has gone with his injury and a new direction (a better direction).

So what is there that is going to keep MVP in TNA? Because I don’t think just being a Wrestler in endless grudge matches, is going to be enough. Time will tell.


Austin Aries vs. Sanada – X-Division Championship

So first of all, I do apologise to Linda, I made a note of course to mention this match up last week, but then it’s sort of like, why?

Because nothing really happened, so it just made more sense to give the back story when I have the actual match to talk about.

Yes Aries sat down with Kurt Angle last week to talk about his re-match for the X-Division Championship since losing it to Sanada before Lockdown. And so Angle gave him his re-match. This led to Aries and Angle having this weird “mutual respect” kind of talk about wanting to Wrestle each other to see who is the best. Funny thing is, Angle said he wants that match, but Angle won’t be cleared to compete before his contract is up. He’s already (apparently) turned down a new TNA Contract, and he’s recently stated that his next Contract could quite easily be his last, so everything points to him being out of TNA by the end of the year. So no Angle vs. Aries. Besides, there’s only one person who would disagree with Angle, and that’s Angle. Kurt probably was the best Wrestler, but Aries holds that position now.

And let’s look at the facts for that opinion, purely with this very match.


Of course if you’re a Wrestling fan, I don’t need to tell you it was awesome, hell if you were like me, you’d know it was awesome before the match even got started.

This puts Sanada in a great light, and obviously, just further increases the credibility of Austin Aries.

So it’s simple really, I was struggling to find reasons for why Aries could be the “Wrestler of the Year” again this year, but this match, makes up for all of those matches where he wasn’t even on the Show, because in one match, he’s out-done everyone else in the Roster for the last half of a year.

AustinAriesthebestSure we had James Storm talking to Sanada again, which I still feel is really out of character for the Cowboy, but I hope they have a good “development idea” for that story.

Also something else which was pretty awesome, there was one hell of an Austin Aries chant going on during Sanada’s entrance, and that Chant fit Sanada’s music perfectly!

Another reason Aries should be at the top, no-one else draws that much of a reaction, and it’s entirely based on his Work. Doesn’t matter where he is in the card, what kind of silly storyline, Austin Aries = legit, and Wrestling fans know it. On the flip side you can say Jeff Hardy draws the biggest reaction, maybe so, but his fan base is totally different, not to mention, he can also draw a negative reaction, especially when pitted against Austin Aries. So it’s just kind of baffling why Aries isn’t always in the lead within TNA’s rankings.

So what about this match? Just freakin’ watch it.

Awesome stuff, Austin Aries picks up the win and becomes the x5 time X-Division Champion.

Which comes to a realisation I had, which I shall get back to later!

And of course, this goes down into the “Match of the Year category” without a doubt, probably the runner…. not that I remember the others… also a good sign.


Bully calls out Rhino, and Rhino comes out with EC3 and Spud. So I liked the “shoot” kind of feel about this confrontation. Aside from the fact it’s firmly stuck in Storyline “whatever”. They mentioned Paul Heyman, WWE, being fired from TNA, all kinds of stuff, it’s cool. But also, somewhat irrelevant.

One thing I’m 100% against is that everything needs to be done for “reasons” and that people need to know them. I’ve always hated that. I like the fact that people want to know, but then why tell them? So Bully was over-bearing with his “WHY!!!!” “WHY RHINO!” “You were my friend” crap. I hate that too, especially from a guy like Bully Ray. He shouldn’t be after answers, it should be as simple as “I don’t care why, but I’m going to beat the crap out of him anyway”. Done.

In the end Bully got attacked and Tommy Dreamer came to his rescue. I also hate that the ECW guys have this “reoccurring” thing every other year or so. For someone that doesn’t give a flying crap, I’m even more sick of seeing it, again…. again…. again. I have a horrible feeling we’re not seeing ECW has-beens, and I’m sure it’s not the last time they all come out to play… again.


Angelina Love vs. Brittany vs. Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim – Knockouts Championship

Totally legit complaint that Angelina didn’t get a fair one on one re-match for her Championship. I know it’s storyline crap booking, but it just makes no sense. If you have a face fighting Champion, or face wanting a rematch, and they WANT as many challenges / opponents, fair enough. But to screw them out of it, and then they’ll just play it off as Angelina complaining. But if she was a face then it’s “this isn’t fair!”. Meh, you’ve made the rules, stick to them.

Brittany was very impressive in this match, which is awesome. We need more Knockouts with interesting characters and awesome in the ring. The ending of the match was quite an eye-opener. Brittany ran and jumped over Gail did a handstand into the ropes, bounced back into a standing Moonsault, which was impressive. Madison then dropped Brittany with this over weird hug, trapped head, drop thing. Madison then got took out with Angelina’s awesomely cool Botox Injection, for Angelina to then fall prey to one of the most Creative Finishers – Gail’s Eat Defeat.

The majority of the guy’s finishers suck in comparison to all of those.

Not to mention I believe Gail is now a x4 Time Knockouts Champion, Madison x5? Angelina x6. Which makes the Knockouts Championship, and the X-Division Championship the best Titles to hold. Also the Tag-Team belts too, with actual Teams, like Beer Money back in the day.

So you have developed Wrestlers, in this very competitive focussed Division and not everyone has Championship runs, some have a few, and the best have a lot. That’s how it should be.

Look at the World Championship Scene, Austin Aries, once, Bobby Roode, once, James Storm, once, Eric Young, once, Jeff Hardy twice with a possible (won back quickly), Mr. Anderson once (with a quick win back I think?), Bully Ray, once (again with a quick win back, so doesn’t really count). The list is sooooo long. It’s stupid. AJ Styles, Sting, Kurt Angle, these guys held the belt a lot. But now it’s flavour of the month territory, whoever fits. Magnus was supposed to fit, that’s gone. It’s a mess.

Things seem to be shifting in Roode’s favour, especially with the Bound for Glory series up and coming, so he might actually (eventually) and hopefully get there again. But hell, I want Aries there again. They rotate the players so much that over half of their roster at some point has been World Champion once. That sucks. I get that you have a lot of good talent, but people reach limits, then drop so quickly, the turnover is far too great. Yet when you have guys who should always be in an arms length of the belt, they should remain with that distance. Rather than going off of TV or just being shoved in some stupid storyline or naff tag-team.


20 Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal – World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender Match

I didn’t bother Writing down everyone who was in the match, because it’s not relevant.

Jeff Hardy came back which was supposed to be the big part of the show. It kinda worked… just not enough.

The only thing I like about that, is it gives Jeff enough time to be Jeff, so that one day, he can bring Willow back should he need to go to that “certain place” for a crazy match.

Crazy Steve was the first eliminated, that sucks. We’ve barely seen him do anything, yet he has a huge followed, an awesome character and people want to see him. Yet The Freak has a good bit of TV Time in this match, and he’s terrible.

Knux seemed to injure his leg I thought, not heard anything (but then not been looking?) hopefully he’s alright. I honestly hoped for a faceoff between Knux and Bully as a “look where we are now” type of moment after the Aces and Eights.

Abyss (who wasn’t in the match for some reason) came out to fight Bram. Storm and Roode seemed to be trying to build toward something, but it just got passed by. It’s weird how Roode is becoming a top Good guy again as Storm is now the top Heel (in my opinion).

In the end it came down to Eric Young and Jeff Hardy. It’s almost difficult to now look at EY as a threat, I know he was Champion at one point in time, but really, what’s the point now. Is he ever going to get there again?

Also what if he did win, Lashley would just go through him with ease.

So yes, the returning Jeff Hardy won the Battle Royal and will go on to face Bobby Lashley next week for the World Championship. I bet he doesn’t win, and Kenny King gets involved, and then the Hardy Boyz reunite to fight them… probably.

Jeff gave a promo after his win (and I really didn’t miss those) where he described himself as “Extremely Rougher than most” which I think amounts to “nothing really”.


Lashley then came out and stood facing him. Which is better than a fight, I like a good stare down, and really, Jeff shouldn’t even stand a chance.


I’m excited for the New York shows, and you should be to!

Till then!



Dan Wilkinson

TNR Cover 12 (w facebook address)

The Jobber Blogger #114 – TNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 3/7/14

Jobber Blogger logo2Well here we are, my first Day Off in over a week (new job included) and I’m spending it Writing up this week’s TNA: Impact! Yes that’s dedication folks! But you know what, I do this to myself and set it as my deadlines, I actually plan my week around being able to watch and Write up Impact, and I love that.

It gives me structure and I honestly feel it’s warranted and relevant, and I look at The Jobber Blogger as a type of “work”, so it needs to be done, and I’m happy to do it.

You will also be pleased to know Impact didn’t suck this week, in fact it was a good show! Some of it sucks, but that’s only in terms of how they’ve decided to film it.

But let’s not focus on that too much, I shall save that for when I get into it, and no, I won’t talk about my random Guardians of The Galaxy binge spending! Else we’ll be here for a while!



Impact Wrestling Logo


Yup, it was the day before Independence Day when this aired, and funny enough weeks and weeks before it when it was filmed. I’m sure the New York tapings were done on the 26th or 27th (or both) of June, which means this was filmed what, a week or so prior to that.

The Television Tapings suck ass. Sure back in the 1990’s it’s fine, who can spoil anything. But it’s 2014, everything that happens is splattered all over the internet, and I’m doing my best to avoid anything from the New York shows, because I’m sure they’re something special.

Which brings me to my most enjoyable and biggest gripe from this week’s show. The fans in attendance, have NO IDEA what’s going on. They would have seen Slammiversary and possibly the show after that. I guess they might have known Bobby Lashley is the World Champ, but they wouldn’t know that Kurt Angle is new Director of Wrestling Operations, or that Bobby Roode is indeed a good guy again. Unless TNA started their show by spoiling it. Which might be true, they did start the tapings in the UK I attended last year by filling people in on what happened.

I like the idea of people just turning up and the show they watch is like far in advance of the show they last saw. It’s a weird mix of when it airs, and how early it was filmed and how much more they’ve filmed already. It’s confusing and annoying, it ruins the “spark” for it not being live.


Anyway, Kurt Angle kicked off the show introducing himself as the new director of wrestling operations, and making his first order of business to reinstate Earl Hebner, much to the joy of some over excitable dude in attendance.


Stupid “firings” don’t mean anything, everyone knew he would be back, and never even went. The only decent thing was Feast or Fired, and thankfully Chavo got fired and we’ve not seen him since, Huzah!

Angle then got out a piece of paper calling it his “Cheat Sheet” because he’s made so many good matches he couldn’t remember them. Or in other words “we weren’t prepared enough”.

When someone apparently running the show needs a piece of paper to remember anything and read from it, that’s a bad sign going forward right?

Angle then made a series of matches, but Samoa Joe took offense to him being left off the list and decided to call out Kurt on being “just like everyone else”.

Sure Joe then spun it on the whole “you love the World Title, how long will it be before you give yourself a shot”, rather than the “we all know you don’t want to be in TNA, and hope to leave in a few months, so why would we trust you to do a good job!”

Which the latter would have been far better, if people actually call Kurt out on his pro WWE motives.

Either way Angle and Joe got a bit heated with Angle saying “that’s the Samoa Joe I want to see” and Joe saying “careful what you wish for”. Which pretty much means naff all. Joe’s been stale for many years now and keeps hinting at his “true self” and then never does anything. I’m a little board of Joe now, if I’m honest.


Knux and The Freak vs. Jesse and DJ Z vs. The Wolves – World Tag-Team Championships

We saw the very end of Jesse and DJ Z’s entrance and then the entirety of The Wolves’. TNA put so much time into making The Menagerie something “different” and their entrance best exemplifies that, so to continuously skip it, surely devalues them?

I was wondering where Robbie E is, but apparently it’s because of his Clown Phobia. So no idea what’s going on there, or if in fact he will be back to do something related to it soon.

Rob Terry wore a different mask in the ring to the one he wears for everything else, and I don’t hate it. I do however hate his stupid ridiculous neck tattoo. But for the character he’s playing it’s fine, but to think he looks that dumb in his personal life, well…. it’s kind of stupid really.

terry tatoo

Taz did have a bit of a slip up when talking about the Freak stating “even if he is a man!” which I’m sure he meant in a Man vs. Monster type of way, but obviously came across far more gender orientated. Funny stuff…

Davey Richards got the hot tag and closed out the match quickly taking a Win for the Wolves.


Bobby Roode vs. Kenny King – Street Fight

This marks Roodes’ first match back, earlier on in the show he went after MVP but got attacked by King, hence forth making this match. Angle found Roode and Roode told him what happened, so Angle tried to solve the problem, but it didn’t dawn on me till MVP and Kenny King started joking about the “principles office” and telling on people, at just how stupid and immature this all made Roode look.

I kind of hope it’s a running gag now, that if anyone attacks Roode it’s all “are you going to run and tell on me now?” I’d laugh.

tattle tale roode

Roode barely got any reaction despite the fact TNA are working hard to pushing him currently. I love Roode, and I think he’s back at the fan base level, but obviously those in attendance have no idea where Roode stands. Wrestling really is dumb at just how quickly people move around and jump between Heels and Faces.

Roode and King brawled around the arena for a good while, then brought a Chair into play. A good physical match, and if anything I enjoyed King’s mouthing off trash talking the most. In the end Roode hit his “Roode Bomb” still hate that name, on the Steel Chair and took the win.


Brittany called out Madison Rayne so she could apologise for not taking Madison’s advice seriously, and how she made an error blah blah blah. I can’t say I exptected Brittany to attack Madison, but I certainly didn’t rule it out. I thought it would be more that she would say whatever to bring Madison closer to her. To then eventually turn on her. But hey, just outright beating her up worked too.

I can’t help but notice that Brittany had a good bit of Blonde in her hair, Beautiful People…. mmhmm.


Ethan Carter the Third vs. Bully Ray – Tables Match

One of the main things to take away from this match is just how good both sides have been in their current positions on the roster. Bully is a ridiculous good guy, because he really shouldn’t be. I do think he’s great at getting the fans going, but better if he didn’t pander to the other baby faces quite as much. But either way Bully got the crowd going every step of the way, and just as a counter measure, EC3 did very little to draw the heat on him. So together, they work very well.

I think about this a lot, but Bully didn’t look at himself as a “TNA Guy”, he views himself as an ECW Guy. Which is fine, the “guys” are those who are usually responsible for building their respective brand.

But when you think about it, Bully was in ECW for I believe 4 years, the WWE for 6 years and TNA for 9 years. So next year, Bully would have been in TNA for longer than both ECW and WWE combined, which in my opinion, makes him a TNA guy. Not to mention the fact that he’s had the best years of his Career and his most success whilst being a part of the TNA Roster.

Either way, Bully had EC3 up for a Power-bomb through the Table when Rockstar Spud delivered a Low-Blow. This led to the return of Rhino, no idea if Rhino is “back” or just doing a couple of dates like before. I’m sure we knew he was coming back for the New York tapings.

Rhino ran for Spud, then stopped and Gored Bully instead, aligning himself with EC3. So interesting to say the least.

I do like a good return and Rhino’s was rather unexpected, even better when they return with a pop and turn. EC3 then put Bully through a Table for the win.

Despite how much Bully is walking around talking big, he’s been getting his ass kicked for ages now. I don’t remember the last time he won.


Gunner and Samuel Shaw turned up on Impact, last week was the final segment I presume of Shaw in his padded cell. Gunner being able to get him out as long as he is in constant care of him. This is a weird idea, the whole Shaw thing has been weird since the get go, but I don’t hate it, I’m intrigued. I like the fact that they bumped into Anderson first who obviously wasn’t best pleased to see Shaw. And then of course they went to visit Christy for the same reaction. I’m starting to think Shaw is putting it on, and Gunner will have to feud with him. Oooo, maybe Gunner ends up getting committed and comes back rather weird, now that would be interesting!

Gunner Warrior


Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love – Knockouts Championship

I don’t know how to word the introduction to this match. This is the kind of match that makes me “feel” something. And I shall explain that by saying it was fairly obvious who was going to win, but me personally, didn’t want that to happen, so I hung on to that hope.

Velvet kept getting involved, and Gail did an awesome job of selling her being pushed into the Turnbuckle post from the outside. But alas, poor Velvet got removed and Gail was on fire.

This pretty much just goes for the whole “Good guys dominate” now that Kurt Angle is in charge.

That hope I held on to was present when Angelina connected with the Botox Injection as Gail was climbing the Ropes, sending Gail to the floor. I was fairly sure it was count out victory time till she insisted on pinning her.

So yeah, Gail won.

I do very much so like Gail, don’t get me wrong, most cases I’m fine with her winning and being the Champ. I just love Angelina so much.

Regardless of all of that though, this match was fantastic! I’m even tempted to mark it down for Match of the Year nomination territory! Probably won’t be when I look back on them…. but I also will do it anyway! Coz that’s how I roll. Also role.

gail kim champ


Eric Young vs. Bobby Lashley – World Heavyweight Championship

Roode gave EY a motivational speech, which EY pretty much delivered to himself now I come to think of it. Either way, Roode and MVP came to ringside but both were sent to the back.

The match pretty much focussed on EY’s endless struggle to mount any offence on Lashley, and also injuring his leg in the process.

EY put up a fight, but Lashley dropped him with the Dominator and then Speared him for the Victory and retained his World Championship.


I do like Lashley currently, I think the whole “non talking” with MVP as his manager type of deal is maybe too much Lesnar territory. But Lashley is impressive, I like the fact he didn’t need to do anything to win, other than be himself.

I don’t look at him as James Storm level’s of danger, violence and bad guy territory, but currently, I’m happy for Lashley to beat down the opposition.

Though they did beg the question “who can match Lashley”. Which really, there isn’t anyone.


Till then,

Dan Wilkinson

TNR Cover 12 (w facebook address)

The Jobber Blogger #113 – TNA: IMPACT WRESTLING – 26/6/14

Jobber Blogger logo2What a weird week!

So yes, this is going up late again, I know. However, what you might not know is that this is probably the first time where I’ve ever watched Impact so late. Least since Challenge TV first started airing Impact on Tuesday nights. It’s been all go, and lots to do and to think of what is different in just one week…. is crazy.

Well, I have a new job, and whilst on the topic I would like to give a big thank you out there to the people that actually made it possible. This includes Dan and Jon from CageAmateursUK (now StrikeTapandGrapple) they were the first people to pick up my blog. Of course David from TheWrestlingPress, but in a lot of ways it’s The Steel Chair’s own Adam Carr that helped me.

To I think I started this blog purely to just write about Wrestling, give myself something to Write about each week and see what happened. But in turn, it led me to understand a lot about WordPress, SEO, and all kinds of website knowledge that actually helped me get my new job. So a big thank you to those and of course to The Jobber Blogger!

So yes, this might in fact move my plans a little later than… planned, but it’s all about settling in and finding the routines. This weekend has been packed, new induction thrown in, work all weekend then straight into a new job. It’s been go, go, go. But now I can actually plan my time a little better, so hopefully, The Jobber Blogger will keep to his newly out of time watch plan schedule of clock ticking chimes time.

So TNA Impact happened this week. I feel it’s almost bad on purpose to let everyone get excited for the New York shows. If that’s so, then they succeeded. Here’s why!


Impact Wrestling Logo



Angelina Love and Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell

Yes, Impact kicked off with a match, and I love the Knockouts! Well, okay technically there was a bit about MVP, Lashley and King arriving, but it’s not even worth mentioning…. aside from that there mention… which is there, before this part…. etc.

I love how Velvet Sky manages to make Angelina look so much better every week. Is that weird? Angelina having White leg warmers made her look better than the black ones Velvet wore. That’s Wrestling journalism 1-o-1.

So here’s the main thing I took away from this match.

Taryn whoAnd no, part of me is tempted to run my “Hot Mess” banners again from last year, with my never ending struggle to understand just what the hell that nickname meant. No, what I mean this time, is that Taryn is being billed as “someone”. And really, she left just before she got going. She was the referee, but I barely remember what she looked like, aside from what she wore and her hair colour. I remember Gail then treated her bad and Brooke Hogan added her to the roster. Then Taryn and Gail had what, two matches, then she left.

So for her to “come back” as this… Star, seems a little weird to me. Though Taryn was very good. Which then brings about my gripe, she seems much….. less good, now.

Of course part of me is just looking for how she managed to have a child and still look that slim, same with Madison. And then I am obviously more consciously looking for errors and “rust”. Clearly she will have been Wrestling and Training long before her recent return, but she does look a little “out of shape”. Not in a disrespectful way, but she seemed to struggle keeping up her stamina whilst running, and her top-rope cross-body block, whilst good, nearly missed.

Or here is the other side of that story, she’s teaming with Gail Kim. Now Gail Kim is perfect at Wrestling. Like literally perfect. Wrestling never looks more fake then when you watch the Women wrestle, least.. most of them. They seem to stumble a bit more, they’re a tad slower, maybe even more cautious. This isn’t a complaint, just an observation.

However Gail Kim is the opposite of that, she Wrestles, and does it extremely well, she’s very fluid, very fast, always on point. Which means when she’s working “with” someone, she can usually cover most of the other parts easily. However when there is her, and someone not as good, it shows.

All in all, I am glad Taryn is back, and I’m sure she’ll be up to speed in no time! In the end though Gail picked up the win on Angelina with Eat Defeat. Also just because you all asked so nicely, apparently…

Hot Mess 1


MVP and Kenny King made their way to the ring accompanied by random Girls, as that is clearly the sign of success and celebrations. You know, sex with strangers, and hence forth… disease.

This was big old Bobby Lashley “THE DESTROYER!”‘s celebration of being the new World Champion. Something else I found interesting, Lashley is just being called… Lashley. Seems they are giving him the Brook treatment.

brooke lashley

MVP prattled on about conquering the world because he has the World Championship in his stable. This still makes no sense.

EY came out fighting and got beaten down, leading to Bobby Roode once again jumping the guard rail to save him. And EY wasn’t annoyed that Roode didn’t do it earlier “last week” and help him, oh I don’t know… win?

Roode then had to the usual “Since day one!” speech that means your credible. Also he had to praise Eric Young’s work and fighting spirit, which is also another check box to be a good guy. And then last but not least, my new favourite hated phrasing “Time to get TNA back!” with the added bonus of “For each and every one of the fans!”

Oh how I hate that. Thankfully TNA swerved this same old crap nicely, so I’m pleased.

This blessing came in the form of a badly executed package of crap named Earl Sullivan Armstrong, who appeared like a cross between Clint Eastwood and Sam Neill, Sam Eastwood you could say… or Clint Neill.


Also sounds like a nail-product when spoken quickly with a bad accent.

This though is better than the Kevin Nash lookalike who turned up last time. Or that other chap who looked like someone else I don’t remember. Anywho, so this “Board of Directors” dude came out and fired MVP from the role of Director of Wrestling Operations, which is much better then just dragging this out to be a match for Bound for Glory. It seems maybe TNA wants to please fans, and going back to the six-sided ring, planning a really big show in the New York tapings and clearly finding Slammiversary was such a success when it had little to do with all of this crap.

Then Roode punched MVP.

batman flop


DJ Z vs. Manik vs. Crazy Steve vs. Sanada – X-Division Championship

The second best match on the card.

Again, they probably didn’t need the silly intro backstage to set up this match. The X-Division usually works best when they just… Wrestle.

There isn’t really much to say to be honest, other than Crazy Steve was awesome, Manik is impressive (unless he takes his mask off or talks) and Sanada won… obviously.

TNA really annoy me when they make things so obviously… obvious, then push it down your throat just in case you didn’t notice. How many times do I need to be told about The Great Muta and his connection to Sanada now, guess what, after 4 Months of heading it every time he’s on the Show… I don’t need to hear it anymore.

So when Sanada wins, Mike Tenay adds “The Great Muta must be pleased”.

Really? Must he be pleased. So basically he’s not going to be pleased, he’s’ going to be pissed. They are going to fight, something is going down. It’s obvious, you telling me directly it’s not, makes it more obvious. Don’t say anything… then it’s better. I can see it now, “The Mentor, The Apprentice, They Were Once Like Brothers!” SHUT UP! It’s Crap! CRAP CRAP CRAP!


that's crap


In what was yet another annoying segment, Dixie Carter and Spud made their way to the ring to celebrate Dixie gaining back control over Wrestling Operations. The very fact it was laid on so thick about Dixie believing to get it back, well you know what I’m going to say anyway.

And in fact, this guy in the crowd also wanted to say what he pleased, and TNA seemingly were happy to air it…


He could have meant, “no-one cares you suck” in which case people are happy to see Dixie. But I’m sure he meant, just that no-one cares what she was saying, and that she sucks. It was a weird mix of “informative fan” meets “idiot fan”. No-One Cares Dixie…. also you suck, the whole you suck part therefore means he like most are in fact… stupid.

Guess what, I don’t care what he says, in fact I’m sure No-One Cares about this guy’s opinion.

As always Dixie managed to draw a huge negative reaction, and I must admit, I chuckled when TNA showed a shot of an old woman in the crowd covering her ears. It looked like she was hating the loud response from the fans and how horrible Dixie indeed is. But then, I’m fairly sure she didn’t even want to be there and got dragged by some relative and hated the experience. Still…. chuckled.


Ronson Johnson Blackhead – the board of Directors guy then came back out to tell Dixie she wasn’t the new Director of Wrestling Operations. They’re going to need some snazzier, punchier titles, this is getting hard to type!

Of course, Spud stole the show with a Spit-Take which would only have been better if he had indeed took yet another sip of Wine, and then spat that part out too.

Blah blah blah, Dixie whined, Bully Ray came out (to an awesome reaction I might add) and Bully got his hands on Dixie, with her being pretty close to going through a table. Woop.


James Storm vs. Mr. Anderson

This was a little bit weird, fairly sure their feud wasn’t that engaging the first time. So now they’re dragging it out a little longer… because why not. I do think that Gunner and Sam Shaw could fit into this somehow, so there you have it. Perhaps they could be the bond between Storm and Anderson.

Regardless of anything, anyway, Storm is awesome. The best Heel on the roster by far, the very fact he’s not in the main event scene right now pains me. If only I could write TNA! I REALLY WANT TO!

Anderson hit his rolling slam thing…. mini green bay plunge, only he “injured” himself. Which I’m sure was a work, but it looked pretty damn authentic, so kudos!

Anderson tried to drop Storm with a mic-check but Storm held the ropes sending Anderson down by himself, he got back up groggy to yet another awesome Last Call Superkick.

What was more out of character perhaps, and also interesting, was James Storm seeking out Sanada backstage, giving up a bit of abuse and then adding on the pressure of Sanda’s X-Division Reign, and if he will cash it in for a shot at the World Championship, and not to “chock” trying to win the big one. So perhaps something could be interesting coming out of this.


EC3 and Tommy Dreamer had a fight!



Magnus and Bram vs. Abyss and Willow – Monsters Ball

I have to admit, I like the team of Willow and Abyss, I liked their promo, I like them together. Fits. Magnus still looks like a gay man.

gaymagnusAnd with a name like “Magnus”… that’s not good at all.

Yet again, Bram impressed me. I love how he moves around, I love his crazy stare, and really intense attitude. He’d fit well with Gunner and Storm. Not so much Magnus.

The Monsters Ball never disappoints, and this was the second in recent memory, and again, didn’t disappoint. Obviously the highlights were Willow climbing to the top rope only to have Magnus throw a chair at him and he fall off the top through the Barbed Wire Board, scary flash backs to Daffney, that Guard Rail looked too close for comfort.

Abyss then choke-slammed Magnus onto some Thumbtacks, which is weird, you don’t normally see Magnus in that kind of environment. In the end though it was Bram who did this awesome creepy stalking thing on Abyss then hit him in the stomach with Janice for the win.



So this took me a little by surprise, this year’s Bound For Glory is going to be in Tokyo Japan. This has me really, really excited. I honestly can’t wait to see it, I know this might sound like sarcasm, but I’m being serious,… seriously.

I’ve obviously seen Wrestling in Japan before (on TV of course) but not a full show like this, an American PPV, in Japan. That excites me, I’m sure we’ll see Sanada and The Great Muta and probably a lot of other Japanese stars too, so yeah, very unexpected, and totally pumped!


And of course the show then ended with the reveal of the “new Director of Wrestling Operations”. Which was also blatantly obvious. Though I’m slightly more interested then I was actually seeing Kurt in action, than when I just assumed it would be Kurt.

Also the no-one cares fan now suddenly cares.


MVP, Lashley and King made their way to the ring to confront Kurt, who didn’t back down, and even went a little… weird.

And then made a World Title Re-Match next week with Lashley vs. EY and then reinstated Bobby Roode.

Roode and EY then started fighting Lashley and King, and that was it.


This was Bobby Lashley’s first week as the TNA World Champ, and to be fair, I almost forgot he was the new Champion. It was very understated.

Either way, TNA have done a nice job of correcting the main dragging issues with their show and finally putting an interesting angle on it. Literally. Kurt Angle.



Till then!

Dan Wilkinson

TNR Cover 12 (w facebook address)